Friday, September 20, 2013

Buying vs. Renting When You're Single

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A major internal conflict I have been facing lately has been what to do beyond my current rental lease. Earlier in the year I was scouring the market searching for my perfect starter home. I have been reading up a lot lately and seeing comparison charts of the difference between buying vs. renting over a 30 year time frame and holy cow what a difference! Based on this chart, over a period of 30-years there was an additional expenditure of almost $300,000 based on me buying a home worth around $100,000 and me renting a place for a price similar to what that mortgage would be. Mind blown! The first house I put an offer in went off without a hitch but I came into some issues with it that made it no longer a feasible option so I decided to pump the brakes a bit and evaluate my situation.

I understand the concept that paying rent is just throwing away money and buying a house is building equity and putting in to something that you will see a return on but is it worth it as a single (not married) female?

The breakdown:
  • Less commitment; I can move whenever I want.
  • Apartments have pools!
  • If something breaks I call the office; (I don’t even know how to unclog a toilet)
  • I actually own something 
  • I can get a return on this investment
  • I have a yard (I can grow my own veggies, yay!)
  • I can decorate and customize to my liking (I work in home remodeling so major plus)
  • I don’t have crazy neighbors upstairs with a kid that likes to bowl in the living room
  • I will learn new skills for maintaining my home 
  • More room (sq ft.) to set up piano, crafting station, workout equipment

As you can see there is obviously a major upside to buying but as a single female I still have some major reservations on buying a property that I don’t know if I will be able to maintain.

What are your thoughts? What would you choose?

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